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El enfoque integral, la experiencia vertical, las capacidades de integración y el soporte para múltiples dispositivos, canales y modalidades hacen que Nuance sea el único de los 16 proveedores con una puntuación perfecta
A continuación puedes leer la nota de prensa en inglés: BURLINGTON, Mass., – November 21, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. today announced it has been recognized for the third consecutive...
End-to-End-Ansatz, Branchen Know-how, Integrationsfähigkeiten und Unterstützung mehrerer Geräte, Kanäle sowie Modalitäten machen Nuance zum einzigen Anbieter von 16 Produkten mit perfekter Punktzahl
Nachfolgend finden Sie die englische Pressemitteilung: BURLINGTON, Mass., – November 21, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. today announced it has been recognized for the third consecutive...
Il suo approccio end-to-end, l’esperienza verticale, la capacità di integrazione e il supporto a molteplici dispositivi, canali e modalità sono valsi a Nuance il titolo di unico vendor con punteggio perfetto tra i 16 presi in esame.
Qui di seguito la versione integrale del comunicato stampa in inglese: BURLINGTON, Mass., – November 21, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. today announced it has been recognized for the third...
De end-to-end aanpak, verticale expertise, integratiemogelijkheden en de ondersteuning van meerdere apparaten, kanalen en methoden maken Nuance de enige van de 16 aanbieders met een perfecte score.
Meer informatie hierover vindt u in het onderstaande Engelstalige persbericht: BURLINGTON, Mass., – November 21, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. today announced it has been recognized for...
End-to-end approach, vertical expertise, integration capabilities and support of multiple devices, channels, and modalities lands Nuance as only vendor of 16 with perfect score
BURLINGTON, Mass., – November 21, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. today announced it has been recognized for the third consecutive year as the highest-rated vendor in Opus Research’s...
Revenue growth at high end of range, beating operating margin and EPS guidance
BURLINGTON, Mass., November 20, 2019 - Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced financial results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended September 30, 2019. ASC 606 Q4 2019...
BURLINGTON, Mass., November 15, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced that it will hold its Investor Day on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at Nasdaq MarketSite in NYC....
Für die stetig wachsende Arbeitsbelastung im deutschen Gesundheitswesen gibt es viele Gründe: Personalmangel, die alternde Bevölkerung und fehlende Finanzmittel. Vor diesem Hintergrund...
BURLINGTON, Mass., November 5, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced that it will release fourth quarter and full-year fiscal 2019 results on Wednesday, November 20,...
Rated highest in client satisfaction for Informatics and Clinical Documentation Improvement Software in the evolving coding software market preparing for Value-Based Care
BURLINGTON, Mass. Oct. 30, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced that it has been ranked #1 Overall by Black Book Research for end-to-end coding, clinical...
Nuance Partners with The Sullivan Group to Add Emergency Medicine Guidance to Dragon Medical AdvisorNewest Computer-Assisted Physician Documentation (“CAPD”) solution portfolio mitigates emergency department risk and improves patient safety
BURLINGTON, Mass., and DENVER, October 28, 2019 – At the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) conference, Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today launched a new emergency...
Cities across the United States modernize public safety processes and procedures with Dragon Law Enforcement
BURLINGTON, Mass., October 23, 2019 – At the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference, Nuance® Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) (“Nuance”), a leading provider of...
Ce partenariat stratégique accélère l’arrivée des technologies ambiantes afin de réduire les burn-out des professionnels de santé en leur permettant de se recentrer sur les patients pendant que l’IA gère les tâches administratives.
BURLINGTON, Mass., et REDMOND, Wash. (Etats-Unis), 17 octobre 2019 – Nuance Communications Inc. et Microsoft Corp. annoncent ce jeudi qu’ils unissent leurs forces pour contribuer à la...
Esta alianza estratégica acelera la implementación de tecnología ambiental para reducir la sobrecarga de los médicos, permitiendo que se centren en los pacientes, mientras que la IA se encarga de las tareas administrativas
Burlington (MASSACHUSETTS) y Redmond (WASHINGTON), 17 de octubre de 2019 – Nuance Communications Inc. y Microsoft Corp. anunciaron el jueves la unión de fuerzas para transformar la prestación...
Die strategische Partnerschaft beschleunigt die Entwicklung und Verbreitung von Ambient-Technologien / Künstliche Intelligenz kümmert sich um administrative Aufgaben im Healthcare-Bereich / weniger Burnout bei Ärzten, mehr Zeit für Patienten
München, 17. Oktober 2019 – Nuance Communications Inc. und Microsoft Corp. geben bekannt, dass sie kooperieren, um die Gesundheitsversorgung für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu verbessern....
Strategisch partnerschap versnelt de levering van ambiente technologieën die artsen in staat stellen zich te concentreren op patiënten terwijl AI zich richt op administratieve taken, om zo burn-outs bij zorgverleners te verminderen.
Merelbeke, 17 Oktober 2019 - Nuance Communications Inc. en Microsoft Corp. kondigen vandaag aan dat zij hun krachten hebben gebundeld om te helpen bij de transformatie van de gezondheidszorg voor...
Strategic partnership accelerates the delivery of ambient technologies to reduce clinician burnout by enabling doctors to focus on patients, while AI focuses on administrative tasks
BURLINGTON, Mass., and REDMOND, Wash. — Oct. 17, 2019 — Nuance Communications Inc. and Microsoft Corp. on Thursday announced they have joined forces to help transform healthcare delivery for a...
BURLINGTON, Mass., Oct. 16, 2019 - Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) (“Nuance”), a leading provider of conversational AI, today announced adjustments to the conversion rates of the...
Die marktführende Biometrie-Technologie von Nuance umfasst Cloud-native Lösung, die jährlich über 1 Milliarde Kunden über Sprach- und digitale Kanäle authentifiziert
München, 7. Oktober 2019 – Nuance Communications, führender Anbieter von dialogorientierter KI, stellt jetzt mit Nuance Gatekeeper die weltweit fortschrittlichste Biometrielösung zur...
New AI-powered Computer-Assisted Physician Documentation technology drives improvements in clinical documentation quality, patient outcomes, and revenue integrity while enabling physicians to focus more time on patient care
BURLINGTON, Mass. Oct. 7, 2019 – Nuance® Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced expanded Clinical Guidance for Dragon® Medical Advisor, a workflow-integrated, and AI-powered...
La soluzione cloud-native include la tecnologia di biometria vocale leader di mercato di Nuance che autentica oltre un miliardo di clienti all'anno nei canali vocali e digitali
Milano, 4 ottobre 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) – pioniera e leader nelle innovazioni di intelligenza artificiale conversazionale – ha annunciato oggi Nuance Gatekeeper,...
Cette solution cloud-native inclut la technologie biométrique de Nuance qui authentifie déjà plus d’1 milliard de clients par an sur les canaux vocaux et numériques
Paris – 3 octobre 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN), leader des innovations à base d’IA conversationnelle, annonce Nuance Gatekeeper, la solution biométrique la plus...
De cloudoplossing bevat onder meer de toonaangevende biometrische technologie van Nuance die jaarlijks meer dan 1 miljard klanten identificeert op digitale- en spraakkanalen
Amsterdam, 3 oktober 2019 - Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN), marktleider op het gebied van oplossingen voor conversationele AI, kondigt vandaag Nuance Gatekeeper aan, ’s werelds meest...
Cloud-native solution includes Nuance’s market leading biometrics technology that authenticates over 1B customers a year across voice & digital channels
BURLINGTON, Mass. – October 2, 2019 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN), leader in conversational AI innovations, today announced Nuance Gatekeeper, the world’s most advanced...
La solución cloud incluye la tecnología biométrica líder del mercado de Nuance, que autentica a más de 1.000 millones de clientes al año en canales de voz y digitales.
Madrid, 2 de octubre de 2019 - Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN), líder en innovaciones de IA conversacional, ha anunciado hoy Nuance Gatekeeper, la solución biométrica más avanzada...